Brno exhibition center

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The competition was announced by the city of Brno for anyone to attend. The goal was to rethink the Brno exhibition center while respecting the conditions of the assignment and many others limitations that were placed upon this area. The Brno exhibition center is immense in its surface area and it is also unique in its history and urban structure. The basic conceptual question was to decide whether to open the whole area to public daily or to keep it closed and "only" refine the surrounding area. 

After extensive analyses we decided to divide the whole area into a closed and an open part. The closed area is dedicated to running exhibitions, concerts, competitions etc. These events used to take place here already before. Whereas in the open area new creative places in existing pavilions (marketplace, selling artworks, sport activities) were created. It also includes teahouse/cinema for students with spacious public space in the front. Around the whole area, there is a path for bicycles, roller skates, runners and pedestrians that is also going through the open part of the exhibition center.

New entrance is created on the west side with adjoining green area parking space and pedestrian/bicycle path rising above the entrance into wide bridge used not only for walking through but also for relaxation and free time activities. 

For preserving the capacities for exhibitions, new pavillion are designed, that is completing the basic urban concept of this place. Southern part of exhibition centre is dedicated for big rentable halls for companies and loading stations for trucks. 

Collaboration: Expo design


august 2017